This is a unique country, intriguing not only for its natural resources, hot climate, coolness of the Black Sea, but also beckons with its cultural diversity. The Bulgarian people have preserved from ancient times to this day many traditions and customs that reflect the originality of the Bulgarian culture. The territorial location of Bulgaria at the intersection of the main transport routes determined the diversity of the national cultural flavor.
Not needed if you have a biometric passport of a citizen of Ukraine!
The country is washed by the Black Sea, which is warmer than in Odessa)))
Bulgarian cuisine is based on the extensive use of vegetables, herbs and fruits.
There are both winter and summer resorts in the country! Therefore, a successful tour is guaranteed to you)
Due to its favorable geographical location - at the crossroads of Western and Central Europe, the Near and Middle East, there was an interaction of different cultures: Thracians, Greeks, Romans, Turks, Slavs. They have influenced the current holidays, culture and traditions. In addition to the ancient Bulgarian Orthodox rites, modern international holidays are also celebrated in Bulgaria.